Celebrate Yourself, Please

photo courtesy of fastcompany.com
A LOT of us, this year, had unachieved goals. I had hoped, for instance, to launch The Next Level with Chukwuemeka on radio in 2015. Was this plan achieved? No, not yet. So why celebrate yourself with all the glaring disappointments, unmet goals, under achievements and unexpected results?

What is Life like to You?

photo courtesy of missjazmania.com
PEOPLE define life differently. Our personal experiences, environment and social interactions majorly contribute to this definition of life. Sadly, for many people, their definition of life is not only skewed but also capable of limiting their maximal utilization of what life offers. So I ask you, what is life like to you?

Secret to Securing Your Tomorrow

photo courtesy of tonygentilcore
I couldn’t help but share this great story. In 1892 at Stanford University, an 18-year-old student was struggling to pay his fees. He was an orphan, and not knowing where to turn for money, he came up with a bright idea. He and a friend decided to host a musical concert on campus to raise money for their education.

Another Christmas, another…BEWARE!!!

photo courtesy of telegraph.co.uk
CHRISTMAS. It’s all in the air; the music, commerce, relationships, holidays, you name it. Even the weather tells us it is Christmas. Like you know, this season also brings its peculiar challenges requirements and pressures. The need to buy presents for loved ones, give someone a special treat, and travel to exciting places. The list continues. Beware of these season tricks as you prepare for Christmas

Are You Breaking This Indisputable Law of Success?

photo courtesy of thesalesmaster.me
WHEN a newspaper reporter interviewed a farmer who grew award-winning corn each year he entered his corn in the state fair, it was revealed that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbours. 

Perplexed, the reporter asked, “How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbours when they are entering their corn in competition with yours each year?” 

Important Rules for a Happier You

photo courtesy of commons.wikimedia.org
EVERYONE, well, every normal person aspires to lead a healthier, happier life. I guess you too want to live a happier life. Some environments have made us erroneously conclude that being happy is directly correlated to being rich, or having plenty of money. Nothing can be farther from the truth. I guess you know or have heard of the popular saying that ‘the rich also cry’, indeed they do. This is however not to discountenance the solutions that having money can provide. Like James my friend will say, he prefers to cry like a rich man than a poor man. The cry of the rich he will say has rhythm and melody while that of the poor is uncoordinated. Don’t mind James. The point here however is, be rich, but don’t seek happiness in riches. Happiness is found in the simple everyday things of life. Here are some important points. 

10 Business Opportunities in Africa That Will Create More Millionaires in 2015 and Beyond FINAL PART

photo courtesy of startupnation.com
I am concluding this series with this post. I trust that you will find an area of opportunity exciting to tap in. All the best.

The Green Revolution

Around the world, the appetite for green and eco-friendly products and services is growing quite rapidly. Due to the threats of climate change, any solution that preserves the natural environment, reduces waste and pollution, and promotes reuse and recycling have become huge business opportunities.

10 Business Opportunities in Africa That Will Create More Millionaires in 2015 and Beyond PART 2

photo courtesy of suratisweetmart.com
I started this series on the last post. Here are more thoughts on the topic.


Africa’s retail market is a multi-billion dollar business opportunity. In addition to its over 1 billion population, more Africans are buying stuff due to their growing economies, rising middle class and rapid urbanization.

Africa’s retail market is going through a monumental shift. Retail is gradually moving away from informal trading in open markets to organized retail in shopping malls and online stores. Africa’s home-grown supermarket chains like Shoprite, Game, Woolworths and Nakumatt are entering more countries and are spreading fast across the continent.

10 Business Opportunities in Africa That Will Create More Millionaires in 2015 and Beyond

photo courtesy of suratonline.in
I found this piece interesting and decided to share it with you. The time to always start is NOW! Even if you live outside the African continent, prospects for collaboration in these business opportunities abound. We at The Next Level with Chukwuemeka are open to such collaborations. Enjoy the write-up.

Are you wondering in which sectors you will find the most profitable business opportunities in Africa? Oil revenues? Nope, not for today’s fast emerging African entrepreneurs and millionaires!

Are We Being Socially Deceived? FINAL PART

photo courtesy of clivemaclean.wordpress.com
ON the previous post, I started a series that asked if we are being socially deceived? I listed the six stages of social deception and why one must avoid continuous exposure to anything one is not interested in partaking in. I will conclude this topic in this post. Meanwhile, if there is a thing you have to expose yourself to, it is without a doubt The Next Level with Chukwuemeka International Self-Discovery and Financial Empowerment Conference coming up on the 18th and 19th November 2015 in Abuja, Nigeria. You are guaranteed to see measurable changes in your life and business. Among many tested speakers, Joseph Benjamin, MTN Project Fame Presenter and one of Nollywood’s aces will be in attendance. You must hear his story and strategies to success. It’s really intriguing. We also have Bismark Tay, one of Africa’s foremost life coaches and a world ambassador. This is a must attend conference. Remember to register to attend.

Are We Being Socially Deceived?

photo courtesy of tomdavidas.com
I came across this piece from Kwame, a guy we both belong to the same group. It is both eye-opening and revealing. It is called The Six Stages of Social Deception. This is a must read.

Social Deception very often is a process by which wrong becomes right, and right becomes wrong. It’s a complete paradigm shift of opinions, standards and morals that is achieved softly, subtly and often takes a generation to entrench into society. Those who engineer it are very deliberate and structured in their approach. 

Secrets To Taking Life Risks

photo courtesy of socialworker.com
RECENTLY, on my Facebook page, I offered free recharge or top up cards to my Nigerian friends on Facebook. It was just a way of keeping tab on my friends on a media that claims to be social but many a time is far from what it professes. I simply asked my friends to post on my Facebook wall indicating their interest in the freebie. There was no gimmicks, or tricks or hidden anything anywhere whatsoever. I wasn’t marketing or selling anything to anyone, neither was I bribing anyone for today or tomorrow. I wasn’t expecting anything in return from any friend. The only thing I required of my Nigerian Facebook friends was to indicate interest by saying so on my Facebook wall. Say it, and get it. It was that simple. Of course a lot of my friends could not understand why I would just give away recharge cards for no reason.

Who Loves You, Unconditionally?

photo courtesy of clipart.me
I want to ask you a very probing question. Who loves you, unconditionally? This question is informed by a post I read on Facebook. The post reads and I quote, “Don’t be deceived, most people don’t love you as they claim. They just love what you can do for them. The day you stop or are unable to continue that which you do for them, their supposed and professed love ends.”

When Is Tomorrow?

photo courtesy of bhmpics.com
FLYING from London to Abuja, I had taken a book I wanted to finish reading in-flight. For some reasons, I was too tired to read. I therefore decided to switch on the in-flight entertainment to watch movies, and hopefully sleep. No I didn’t want to sleep. I bought a late ticket for this trip and therefore paid heavily for it. To compensate myself, I promised myself not to sleep so I don’t miss out when the food is served. Don’t blame me, it’s called value for money, after all 'every little helps'.

Do You Know How to Ask the Right Questions?

photo courtesy of learn2.com
IN your quest for the good life, in your pursuit of happiness, success and peace of mind, are you clear and resolved on what you really want? This might sound trite, but truth be told, a lot of us have an idea of what we want but are not totally clear about it. Of course this has wider implications. We ask the wrong questions for instance and get the wrong answers. Rather than focus, we disperse energies and efforts. We make imprecise and many times displaced demands on life, and then accuse life of being unfair. I can go on and on.

The story is told of a couple who were celebrating their 70th birthday and 50th wedding anniversary.

How To Successfully Overcome Past Hurt FINAL PART

photo courtesy of bbsermons.org
THIS is the concluding part of post on ‘How to Successfully Overcome Past Hurt’. Like it was previously stated, some scholars argue that if you don’t deal with and conquer the pains of yesterday, you may not enjoy the gains of today, and indeed tomorrow.  

Be prepared to open up. There may be no need trying to deal with a painful past if one isn’t willing to open up on all issues with a professional confidant. By opening up, the confidant can situate the pains of the past and advise on the beauty of today and tomorrow. Trust is key here.

How to Successfully Overcome Past Hurt

photo courtesy of sandrahillawi.com
DO you have the skills to deal with a terrible yesterday so as to have a terrific tomorrow, in other words, do you know how to deal with the pains of the past to have a better future? Some scholars argue that if you don’t deal with and conquer the pains of yesterday, you may not enjoy the gains of today, and indeed tomorrow.

MUST READ! Important Life and Business Lessons from Mother Hen

photo courtesy of sunjournal.com
DO you take time to appreciate nature and creation? You will be amazed how much Mother Nature can teach us. One only needs to create time and study it. Let me share some Important Life and Business Lessons from Mother Hen.  

Why Risk Taking Is Good For Us All

photo courtesy of want2discover.com
ISN'T it interesting that the first time anything new and creative is proposed, it gets labelled? And the label put on these novel things is likely to be “risky”, or “unreasonable” or unachievable” or “idle dream”. Those who seemingly think they care about you will advise you get a life or a job and forget your dream or proposal.

Do You Want Financial Freedom? Hurry, Do A Financial Check-Up Now!

photo courtesy of catholicfinanciallife.org
I am really excited and feel new, part of it been over a workshop I attended. Recently, I attended a paid, highly interactive and thought provoking financial education workshop in London, England, tagged ‘Road Map to Financial Empowerment’. This workshop was a comprehensive financial health checkup every forward thinking and ambitious person needs despite his or current financial status. The lessons, shockers, revelations and take-away were simply amazing, and sometimes heart-breaking.

REVEALED: Hindrances to Avoid if You Really Want to Success

photo courtesy of alliinc.com
THERE are many hindrance and traps you must avoid in your quest for success. This is irrespective of your age, gender or social status. Incredibly, many of us still fall for them. Are you also limited by these hindrances? Infact, what are these hindrances and how do you overcome them?

What Are You Seeing?

photo courtesy of the collectiveint.com
ONE day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor handed out the question paper, with the text facing down as usual. Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn the page and begin. To everyone's surprise, there were no questions....just a black dot in the centre of the page. The professor seeing the expression on everyone's face, told them the following:

What Successful People Do To Win Friends And Business Opportunities That You Need To Know And Do Also

photo courtesy of beforeitsnews.com
IT is so refreshing to have the skills and indeed power to make and win friends, and influence people at the snap of a finger. Throughout history, most of the greatest people who lived have this skill. You too should. Like I will always say, it is no use re-inventing the wheel which men like Dale Carnegie perfected. Have you read the book, 

‘How to Successfully Deal with Difficult People. FINAL PART

I'm concluding this series on ‘How to Successfully Deal with Difficult People’.

photo courtesy of yourlovepills.wordpress.com
IN dealing with difficult people, it is important to learn to keep your cool. Many difficult people irritate, that’s why they are difficult in the first place. You must therefore be in charge when dealing with them. Losing your cool means losing charge.

How to Successfully Deal with Difficult People

photo courtesy of bbc.com
OH my goodness, difficult people are all over the place; in the office, social groups, business associations, the neighbourhood, and who knows, maybe in the family also. Maybe you are even going to deal with one shortly. It surely isn’t an enviable position to be in. I have my own share of difficult people I have to deal with. The more I close my eyes wishing that they will just disappear, no, the stronger they seem to become. So how do you successfully deal with them?

Important Life and Business Lessons To Learn From A 500 Naira Note

photo courtesy of mataf.net
I was in an audience listening to a motivational speaker. The speaker got out his wallet and pulled out a 500 Nigerian Naira note. Holding it up, he asked, "Who wants this 500 naira note?" Lots of hands went up, including mine. A slow chorus began to build as people began to shout, "Me!" "Me!"

How To Be Fit For Success

photo courtesy of uwsscience.wordpress.com
ARE you fit for success?” Are you physically prepared to embrace your dream, when it comes? As someone once said, it is irrational to use your health to get wealth only to use that wealth to get back your health, many a time, it is always too late.

You may have heard experts encourage you to be active, and keep physically fit. But some people still wonder why, especially when they consider that they are not ill, are very busy in high pressure jobs, or their body systems seem to function perfectly, they cannot understand the emphasis on keeping fit.

Exposed!!! Understanding The Purpose Of Money

photo courtesy of radiotionproducts.com
SOMEONE, I would call Tony, once went to the National Hospital in Abuja, Nigeria, to see a friend at the Accident and Emergency ward. As he walked towards a lady, wearing what was a hospital coat, to make enquiry, he heard someone crying behind the flowers. On a closer look he saw it was a woman clutching a baby, maybe 3 years old. The baby too was crying apparently distressed by her mother's tears. As he looked at the mother and child, imagining what could be the matter, the lady in robe called his attention.

How To Restore Lost Relationships

ONE of life’s greatest losses is the loss of a valued relationship. One must therefore do all to preserve, and in the event of a strain or loss, restore relationships, whether business, family or social. Relationships, effective relationships, are the bedrock of your progress and indeed society. Many years of making and losing relationships come with vital lessons learnt. I will therefore share some important nuggets that would help restore some lost social and business relationships.

photo courtesy of lifextyle.com

How to Develop Patience for Your Personal Productivity

HOW would you describe yourself; a patient or an impatient person? I can be impatient I must admit. On a general note, have you noticed that it seems like everything nowadays is fast and instant, what some call the ‘World of Instant Gratification’; instant coffee, instant messages via email and fax, instant education via online colleges, instant banking and so on. One is therefore tempted to ask, why wait in a world that literarily offers everything instantly? Reports say that it is now more difficult to be patient than at any other time in history.
photo courtesy of believechangebecome.com

“People are …” …Are they really? …Hold That Assumption Lightly

photo courtesy of csicop.org
HAVE you realized how quick one is, many times, to assume, dismiss or pass judgment on a person or an issue before all the facts are confirmed? It would seem that the human nature is wired such that it is eager to assume some majestic heights over affairs. The sad part is always when one realizes that he had beaten the gun, and assumed or judged wrongly. The impact sometimes is huge.

Holding your assumptions lightly or reserving judgment until all the facts are available is a strong and extraordinary discipline to acquire. Very few people possess this skill. You can possess it too.

How to Improve Your Public Speaking for Greater Impact and Productivity: Concluding Part

photo courtesy of joyfulpublicspeaking.blogspot.com
THIS is the concluding part of the series started last week aimed at improving your public speaking capabilities. The response has been interesting. It is heart-warming to note that many people are interested in dealing with glossophobia (please refer to the last post) and developing their potentials to “waoh” their audience and create better impact and increase personal productivity.

        Important Tips

When you are not convinced or ill-formed about a subject you are talking about, don’t expect people to believe you. So research and believe in the topic you are talking about. Passion speaks.

How to Improve Your Public Speaking for Greater Impact and Productivity

photo courtesy of taesamlee.com
ANYONE interested in climbing the corporate or success ladder, should be prepared to work in a team, and very importantly, will sooner than later make presentations and speak publicly. This is almost inescapable. It is common knowledge that the way we speak publicly determines how people judge and perceive our personal effectiveness. Effective public speaking skills can help you advance your career, boost your reputation and create opportunities, it opens important doors.

Research shows that between 45 to a staggering 80 percent of people are afraid of the microphone or public speaking. This is called Glossophobia - the fear of public speaking. On this post, I share simple ways to overcome glossophobia, improve your public speaking and increase your influence and productivity.

Scary But True. Angels Missing on Earth; Can you Help Find Them?

THIS is not a hoax! Angels are missing on earth. Your urgent help to get them is needed today!  
photo courtesy gabriellesangels.wordpress.com

Recently, I traveled by road from Lagos to Abuja in Nigeria. By Ibilo junction, a popular joint known for its local delicacy of fried yam and bush (roast) meat, our bus driver pulled over for passengers to eat and stretch out. I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth in those sumptuous yams, with a cold drink. For environmental reasons, I am not a bush meat fan. 

1000 Page Views and Counting...Thank You Very Much

THE blog, The Next Level with Chukwuemeka, www.iamchukwuemeka.blogspot.com, which started on June 20, 2015, has hit the 1000 page views mark, and counting. It’s so exciting.

photo courtesy of optimus5.com

There are readers from Nigeria, The United States of America, United Kingdom, Ghana, India, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Gabon, Romania, Netherlands and many more. I want to specially thank you for investing your time to read and comment on the resources on the blog. God bless you richly.
photo courtesy of allnationstranslations.com

Shocking Revelation about Time Management and Your Self-Esteem

photo courtesy of askingsmarterquestions.com
POOR time management can cost you big time. This is stating the obvious. I am still ruing from an experience. Sometime in 2013, I was to meet up with some clients in Greenwich, London. These clients were eager to set up some cultural infrastructure in Nigeria, and were looking for partners. I was interested and a meeting was fixed. For some inexplicable reasons, I was slow to prepare for this appointment. Infact I behaved like I had all the time in the world. When I eventually set out for that meeting, there was an unexpected traffic caused by what, till today, I still can’t tell. Bottom line, I was late for the meeting, missed the appointment, and indeed missed the opportunity. I still feel sad when I remember that experience, but lessons have been learnt I must admit. So what is time management? Let’s cut out all the technicalities. 

9 Secrets of What the Super Successful Do in the Morning: You Too Should Part 2

ON my last post, I started a series on “9 secrets of what the super successful do in the morning that you too should do”. I’m concluding on this post. These are vital tips that when followed will drastically improve your results.

Ask yourself THE question. This question is regarded as one of the most important questions in life, and you need to ask yourself this question, everyday. The question is, “If today was the last day of your life, would you still want to do what you are about to do today? Or put differently, “If today was the last day of your life, what would you do differently?”. Then do it today!

photo courtesy of youtube.com

9 Secrets of What the Super Successful Do in the Morning: You Too Should. Part 1

THE difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people do all the things unsuccessful people don't want to do. Most people don't want to work more than they have to. They do the minimum they are paid to do. That's not the way to get ahead, always be ready to go the extra mile. I came across this very motivational piece at lifehack.org and couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It has formed the title for this edition.

photo courtesy of mrlazare.com

Successful people always get their priorities right. Significantly successful people don’t first check their email upon waking up. They do other things that are of higher priority, they claim and dictate their day. What else do highly successful people do upon waking up in the morning? Here are more important tips...

5 Ways to Know What You Are Really Worth

HOW much are you worth? This is probably one of the most disturbing issues many people face in today’s world; their worth. What is a person’s worth in the truest sense of the word? Is it in terms of money; Naira and Kobo, Pounds and Pence or Dollars and Cents, or property or other assets? Maybe it is time to redefine your worth, your value.

photo courtesy of forbes.com
We live in an age where you are assessed and judged by the balance on your bank account, your social net worth, the vast and diverse contacts you have, the investments and assets you own, or own you depending...But, are these criteria fair in assessing a person's worth or value? Is a person's value truly based on his or her accumulations? I think differently. Is it bad for one to have things and possessions? Absolutely not, but there is a problem when things and possessions own one.

6 Amazing Physical Benefits Of Forgiving Those Who Hurt You (Part 2)

ON my last post, I started a series on the "Physical Benefits of Forgiving Those Who Hurt You". I’m concluding it with this post. I truly hope you find these scientifically proven facts helpful. Forgive, for your own sake.

1. Forgiveness lowers stress level. Have you tried all to lower your high stress level with no luck? Then try forgiving those who have hurt you.

Photo courtesy of buzzquotes.com

2. Forgiveness promotes healthy heart. Holding grudges and unforgiveness won't fix a thing, and tend to increase heart rates. Is it any wonder why there is an increase in heart attacks?

6 Amazing Physical Benefits Of Forgiving Those Who Hurt You (Part 1)

A lot have been said about forgiveness. But why exactly should one forgive, what are physical benefits of ‘this difficult act’ of forgiveness?

Let me start with this short but true story. Some time ago, I was in Lagos, Nigeria producing a TV documentary on the activities of an international non-governmental organisation helping indigent women in Nigeria. In one of the interviews, I spoke with a 4-year-old girl and her mother. This little girl had been sexually defiled severally by an adult she knows and trusts.  The mother broke down narrating the story. It was so difficult listening to the child tell her story that we had to stop the interview. It was so heart breaking. Current scientific research suggests that this girl and her mother should forgive this attacker, for their own health benefits. How easy or possible is this?

Photo courtesy of theidproject.org

Permit me to share on the benefits of forgiveness.

Exposed Secrets To Having A Successful 2015

THIS is a continuation from the last post. I trust you are applying the nuggets shared in the last post. Here are more quick and effective tips to help you succeed in 2015.

Let me begin by saying work and diligence do not kill. If anything at all, hard smart work distinguishes you. Do you want to be highly successful this year, then welcome to a year of hard smart work. There are no alternatives.

Photo courtesy of liftupideas.com

Mid Year Assessment: Unbelievable Practical Tips For Having A Successful 2015

IT is already mid-year, how time flies. We only celebrated Christmas and the New Year, just like yesterday it seems. How are you doing with your plans, projections and goals for 2015.

In a recent meeting with an associate, he expressed concerns about how 2015 is not falling in line.  Having pursued many leads and dropped countless proposals, things are still at a standstill. I cannot ignore this concern. Maybe reading this post, you also find that things are still not working as planned. And, we are already in mid-year. As you may know, we are all interconnected in this journey for a better tomorrow. I will therefore like to share some helpful tips from Lifehack.org to help you. These tips will help keep things in perspective and ensure that you finish 2015 with a blast.

Photo courtesy nicholaferguson.org

Let me first state that to do very well in 2015, you should be open and receptive as you course through the year. Indeed all you need is a word, an idea, a perspective or a relationship, and the floodgates of success and self-improvement will open unto you. I recently had this idea which I am currently working on, and will share at the appropriate time. I am so so excited about this one idea because of the endless possibilities it will bring. I simply kept my senses and antenna open to receive, please do the same. The next question of course is what and who are you listening to or reading about?

I Have Never Failed!...Have You?

IT may sound strange and unbelievable, but allow me to say that “You have never failed”. Have you ever beaten yourself silly, criticised yourself or even received harsh words from others who considered you a failure at something? Has someone, anyone, ever called you a failure?
Photo courtesy of  irrationalliving.com

Give me a moment to remind you of a true story, the story of Thomas Edison, the man credited with inventing the light bulb. History has it that Thomas Edison's teachers said he was "too stupid to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive." As an inventor, some say Edison made more than 1000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail so many times?" Edison replied, "I didn’t fail those times. I simply found so many ways how not to create a light bulb.” Waoh!!!

What If Tomorrow Never Comes?

WHAT if tomorrow never comes?… In life and relationships, certain things are as a matter of urgency, urgent! Let me share this true story inspired by a friend, Victor.

Photo courtesy of timemanagementninja.com

Ifeanyi, Victor and I, attended the same university, the University of Ibadan. Infact we were in the same department. After graduation, daily pursuits, with our consent, took us to different directions. One thread however ran through all of us; we were aiming for the top, and deploying all resources available to us to achieve our dreams. While we saw and interacted almost everyday while in school, the same cannot be said after our graduation. Sadly, the age-long saying, 'out of sight is out of mind', caught up with us. We got too busy, too preoccupied by everyday challenges. We barely called one another...and one day...the news came...Ifeanyi, our Ifeanyi, had, unexpectedly, passed on. Just like that, no notice, just like that....

Nigeria's Foremost Human Capital Developer, Chukwuemeka Okereafor, Launches Personal Productivity Blog, Shares Deep Insights

A special welcome to my blog. For important tips and latest thoughts on personal, business and entrepreneurial development and productivity look no further. This blog will motivate, inspire and empower...to the next level

Chukwuemeka Okereafor
Chukwuemeka Okereafor