Don’t Build Your Life On Public Opinion

Photo - latininsights
SINCE the last US presidential election, the media have been awash with talks and stories on the elections. Some people are yet to overcome the shock of a Donald Trump victory. I have seen and read a lot about lessons from his victory. One lesson stands out, and this piece is titled after it: ‘Don’t Build Your Life On Public Opinion’. I don’t know the original author.

Trump lost the presidential debates, twice.

Yet he won the election.

He lost the public opinion polls to Hillary by double digit margins.

Yet he won the election.

All living former American presidents opposed him.

Take Action Now

Photo - 123RF
TODAY I share a thought by a great motivational speaker and my friend Bismark Tay from Ghana titled ‘Take Action Now!’

Action is the most important word on the journey of success. Many have heard of it, many more have said they'll embrace it but few actually do. For almost everyone, there's always something that needs to be done. Something new or something old and it’s either difficult or easy. At every point in our lives, there's always the need for us to take some action. Sometimes it's a decision, other times it's something we need to do. Our lives are just like a brick wall. The actions we take each day are the bricks that we lay to get the kind of walls we want.

It's Time To Re-fire

Photo - nevadasmallbusiness
RECENTLY, I was under the teaching of Ugochukwu Omeogu during the Nigeria Rise Concert. I was blown away to put it mildly. His conviction, eloquence and results are un-assailed. Indeed you should always make efforts to leave your comfort zone and your terrain to hear others speak. It’s really empowering.  Mr. Omeogu shared some enriching nuggets I would also share on this edition.

What Goes Around Comes Around

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THIS inspiring story truly shows that what goes around, comes around. The question has always been, ’if it comes around to you, would you be glad it did?’ One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His jalopy as we call it here was still sputtering when he approached her. Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn’t look safe; he looked poor and hungry. 
Continue reading

Have Things Blown Up...Try Again

Photo - arvinddevalia
RECENTLY, the news media was awash with reports that Facebook founder lost about $200 million in the recent failed SpaceX Rocket launch that was meant to beam internet services to remote parts of Africa and the world. This was one of the reasons he came to Africa in the first place. It is instructive that Mr Zuckerberg himself was away in Kenya and Nigeria when this huge project was been executed in Cape Canaveral’s Launch Complex, Florida.  Also, when and after the launch failure, he was still busy in Nigeria attending to pre-arranged schedules. Strangely, he remained calm in the face of great adversity. There are lessons here.

Make That Move Right Now

Photo - garyjeffress
GROWING up in the 1980s, there was this popular song by Shalamar, ‘Make That Move Right Now Baby’. Remember it? Its old school now. That was any DJ’s favourite. It was guaranteed to bring legs to the dance floor. I remember my uncles and aunties always rocking this song. Growing up was fun. Well this is not the focus of this edition.

Make that move right now was actually inspired by my meeting a business associate recently. I belong to a couple of groups on WhatsApp. 

Be A Cheerleader

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ACCORDING to legend, the publisher of world famous Ebony Magazine, John H. Johnson, at the inception of publication in November 1945, would encourage his friends and family to go to the vendors on the streets of Chicago to buy the publication. Mr Johnson had hoped that as more and more of his friends demanded and bought his magazine, vendors would be forced to get copies of Ebony to their newsstands. 

Life Indeed Is A Seed - Important Lessons

Photo courtesy of smallbiztrends
HAVE you heard this saying, ‘the evil you do remains with you: the good you do, comes back to you!’. This story captures it, and highlights some business lessons. A woman baked bread for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby. She kept the extra bread on the window sill, for whosoever would take it away. Every day, a hunch-back came and took away the bread. Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: "The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" This went on, day after day. (She added poison to the bread she prepared for him!)

How To Have A Happy New Month Indeed!

photo courtesy of peacebenwilliams
I woke up this morning with loads of messages on my phone. The messages were everywhere – on Facebook, WhatsAapp, by text, you name it. Some people even sent messages by 12 midnight or shortly after, just to coincide with the dawning month. I guess that your phone and social media platforms have also been inundated with such posts – the happy new month messages and prayers. Sending and receiving such messages is not an issue in itself, but it becomes an issue when month in month out we keep sending and receiving such messages without any corresponding action to bring those great wishes to fruition.  While I then join tons of your friends to wish you a happy new month, on this edition, I share on how to have a happy new month indeed.  And this is in no order of importance.

Life And Business Lessons From A Gospel Singer

Chioma Jesus. Photo courtesy of youtube
RECENTLY in church, we celebrated first fruit harvest and mid-year thanksgiving with Nigeria's famous gospel singer Evangelist Amaka Okwuoha, also known as, Chioma Jesus. I have never seen my Church dance in this manner. It would seem that we were in a dance competition. I saw happiness in an extraordinary way likened to heaven, maybe.  I saw people sweating off their sorrows, smiling away anger and praising God for his favour, grace and love. I share some life and business lessons I learnt as I listened to Chioma Jesus minister in songs.

Test That Narrative

photo courtesy of churchleaders
GROWING up, in the news, on social media platforms, in our environment, virtually everywhere, we get fed with all manner of narratives that eventually form our belief system and view of life. But you may want to pause and take a second look at some of these narratives. Indeed you may want to challenge these narratives and live free. Here are three examples worth considering.

Time Is Short; Live Your Dream

Photo courtesy of pravsworld
IT is probable that the most painful phase of life will be when, all is said and done, one looks back and wishes one had done some things one was passionate about earlier on in life. The truth is that by taking the appropriate steps now, one doesn’t have to experience that phase in one’s lifetime. One can live fulfilled, even if one doesn’t become the richest man on planet earth. This article shows you how to, slowly but surely, live your dream.

Let’s first establish and agree that one can live his dreams, infact millions of people are living their dreams, and you can be one of them.

July: 2nd Half, 2nd Chance

Photo courtesy of inlpcenter
IT'S July, the second half of the year. For many people, they don’t want to imagine it; there are still a lot of unmet expectations, broken dreams and tough unachieved targets, and the clock is still ticking. Well, the clock is created to tick, and you and I can really do nothing about it. So this is surely not a time to despair, rather it’s a time to overhaul and advance. Growing up in the 1980s and 90s, I used to enjoy watching an interesting Nigerian TV programme called 2nd Chance. Basically, the programme was about...

Practical Ways To Stop Financial Wastages

Photo courtesy of telegraph
THE story is told of John, not his real name obviously, who had a good paying job and a growing side business. He lived alone in his 3 bed flat in the heart of Abuja and drove a latest model car, something people call a ‘machine’, took vacations at the slightest excuse, the funniest being, ‘Jesus is coming soon…so, live your life now!’ John had an infatuation for having the hottest…

Is There A Better Inheritance?

photo courtesy of franthony
A lot of parents and business owners are literally obsessed by the worth of inheritance they will leave their descendants and protégés. For others, it is about how much money they will spend in making their children a man or woman, depending. And to them, the more money they spend, the more they feel like a great parent. Is it about the worth of the inheritance or about inculcating enduring life lessons? Are both mutually exclusive? Are you guilty?

What World Are You Creating?

photo courtesy of wordstream
THERE’S a saying that goes…“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you”, sometimes said by parents to their child to help them deal with bully name calling. Parents were trying to tell their children to walk away and don’t let what bullies say bother them, because they’re only words. The truth is that words spoken out loud can indeed hurt, not only emotionally, but physically as well. They can also change your life for the better, or for worse depending.

Let’s do this quick exercise

Its June: Whats' Your Time Check?

photo courtesy of diet
JUST 'yesterday', we were all excited about the New Year. Today, the year is almost half gone. How time really flies indeed. How have you fared so far this year? Are you hitting your intended targets and plans? Here are some helpful points to help you finish 2016 successful.

Don't Be Sorry For Being Rich

photo courtesy of forbes
IN a number of social media groups I belong to, there is this post shared frequently. A post that, for lack of the appropriate word, tends to criminalize affluence and glorify poverty. Paraphrased, the post reads and I quote,

Public Speaking through Drama and Leadership Workshop - Registration Open Till June 2, 2016

Working the Talk...Bunmi Adeola, member of SET 1 doing a presentation
It’s here again. Its back, its bigger, its hotter...and yes, it is still FREE. Public Speaking through Drama and Leadership Workshop. SET 1 was a lot of fun. Hurry to register now!!! Limited spaces available.

Certificate will be awarded for successful completion of sessions.

Registration closes on June 2, 2016.

chukwuemeka okereafor
This event is powered by Empower Africa Project and The Next Level with Chukwuemeka

Important Business and Life Lessons from a Workers’ Strike

photo courtesy of telegraph uk
COMPARED to previous Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) strikes, the recently called-off strike leaves much to be desired. One would assume that since the NLC was striking for a good cause – the reduction of petrol pump price – everyone would rally around them and offer support. I was wrong, at least from the feedback I got from the people I spoke with and the outcome of the strike. This is instructive. So what are important business and life lessons from this?

Sights from the Public Speaking through Drama Classes

Francis Duru, invited Observer Participant, taking questions from participants
Empower Africa Project in conjunction with The Next Level with Chukwuemeka recently conducted Nigeria's first and foremost free Public Speaking through Drama in Abuja.

Willy Willy, 2nd from right, pose with Event Organiser, Chukwuemeka Okereafor, 3rd from right and other participants at the workshop  
It was a time for fun learning as participants spoke, worked, ate, networked and celebrated. Human capital development was redefined by the training methods applied by the facilitator, Stanley Chukwuemeka Okereafor.

11 year old Delectable Divine, 'waohing' the audience with her presentation
In attendance were professionals from the medical, banking, legal and para-military services amongst others. Special Guests at the trainings were world renowned Nollywood star Francis Duru and Abuja On-Air-Personality, Willy Willy of Wazobia FM.

'all work and no play,..
Without a doubt, these trainings are changing the public speaking landscape of Nigeria. Registration has opened for the next session billed for June 4, 2016.

For more information and registration please email: or follow on twitter @iamchukwuemeka

How to Create Your Own Zone for Better Productivity

photo courtesy of  identitynetwork
SPEAKING with several CEOs on the secret behind their outstanding successes, all of them agreed that they created their own world to drive their success. Creating your own zone is surely one of the surest ways to achieving enduring success. Are you creating your own world, and how do you create it?

How To Deal With Rejection: Succeed

photo courtesy of fastcocreate
THE human nature is so wired to celebrate more than mourn, and what can be more celebrated than success? People don’t reject success, they celebrate and respect it. Nothing aptly captures this point like the fairytale rise of Leicester City Football Club, a rise that has taken the club to the top, winning the English Premiership. 

Don't Go Broke Looking Rich

photo courtesy of fashionlady
RECENTLY, I read an interesting quote on the Facebook wall of someone I call ‘Nwanne’, meaning brother, and he is indeed, Obinnaya Uruakpa. The saying reads, ‘Don’t buy that $300 bag to have nothing in it. Buy that $10 bag to have $290 in it. Don’t go broke trying to look rich’. Waoh!!! This is both simple and profound. Are you broke but trying to look rich? I’m almost certain you know someone who is literally speaking, in the business of ‘impressing’. Once my friend flew to London….

Enough of the Analysis, Try Common Sense

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I’M sure you know some people who are bugged down by all manner of explanations, analysis, theories, postulations, plans and counter plans.  Maybe you are also struggling with this. Is anything wrong with detailed analysis and plans, absolutely not, but something is inherently wrong with analysis that is not worked or executed, something that has come to be known as the ‘paralysis of analysis’. Something is wrong with over-complicating the situation. How do you get out of this or help someone get out of it? Let me share this funny but profound story. An uneducated father with his educated son went on a camping trip. They set-up their tent and fell asleep. Some hours later, the father woke up his son....

Secret to Getting Ahead - I Am Because You Are

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AN Anthropologist proposed a game to children of an African tribe. He put a basket of fruit near a tree and told the kids that the first one to reach the fruits would win them all. When he told them to run, the children took one another’s hand and ran together, then sat together and enjoyed the fruits. When asked why they ran like that, as one could have taken all the fruits for oneself, they said…

You Are Ahead, So? Tips for Developing Patience

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PATIENCE is not just about waiting for something… it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting’ – Joyce Meyer. In a fast moving world, where friends, colleagues and loved ones compare and differentiate you from others, how do you develop patience and stick it out? How do you develop patience when time seems to be running out? Let me first share this story

Important Lessons on Excellence You Cannot Ignore

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ACCORDING to a popular saying, every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence’. This is the story of Wasiu a cab driver as told by a passenger who engaged Wasiu. The passenger writes and I quote:  

Secrets To Being Focused For Greater Productivity

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LISTENING to Bishop TD Jakes talk about focus and intentionality highlights the point that many people and businesses struggle for one major reason; they strive to be all things to all men rather than being something to some men, in other words, they lack focus. 

How To Control Your World and Enhance Your Productivity

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I’VE always known that strange and many times sad news sell. I was taught in media school that it is normal for a dog to bite a man, but news for a man to bite a dog. That’s an aberration. Have you wondered why majority of the news stories that trend are stories of war, gloom, loss and depression; in short they are noise that disrupt your normal life flow?

Humanity in Business Series: Be A Mentor

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IN a recent survey, many people said that one of the topmost items on their personal agenda is to make their lives count for a purpose bigger than them. This is indeed noble and commendable. It’s likely also that you share the same sentiment. We most are agreed that life must not end with us, that life, no matter how beautifully lived or wealth acquired, is not an end in itself. Indeed, we agree that life is more than food and clothing, even when we lack these basic human needs.

Humanity in Business Series: Celebrate Your Mentor

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DEPENDING on the part of the world you are in, yesterday was Mother’s Day. This day afforded the opportunity to celebrate the carrier of destinies, builder of the future, mind ‘crafter’, guide of the path, call her whatever you like; Mama, Mum, Mma, Mummy, Ma, Nne, Iya, whatever, it means and sounds sweet. God bless mothers and mothers to be. To those whose mothers are alive, hope you took out time to celebrate them. To others, like me, whose mothers have passed, take heart. I know the feeling. I miss my mother so much its indescribable. God bless her memory as she rests in peace.

Have You Registered for the Public Speaking Through Drama - FREE Training Sessions in Abuja, Nigeria

· Do you want to boost your public speaking skills, learning in a fun and relaxed atmosphere?

·      Do you want to meet and network with high-achievers in various professions?
·      Do you want to be mentored by Public Speaking industry experts?

Then keep a date with The Next Level with Chukwuemeka Public Speaking Through Drama sessions beginning in May, 2016. These sessions will be FREE until August, 2016.

Follow the link provided to book your free place. This FREE registration closes on April, 2016

These sessions are strictly for those who wish to build their confidence and not necessarily for those who want to practise their drama or acting skills. These sessions are for:
• those with a fear of public speaking
• those with social anxiety
• those who want to be more confident in social situations and life in general
• those who care too much what others think and want to get rid of this habit!
• those who may want to pursue a career in public speaking

chukwuemeka okereafor
My Guarantee
You will see measurable progress in your public speaking skills.

Follow the link provided to book your free place. This FREE registration closes on April, 2016

Humanity in Business Series: Tomorrow Has Come

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ON this post, I begin what I have termed ‘Humanity in Business Series’ to remind us that having said and done all, life offers more than what many pursue. On the 18th of September, 2014, my very first broadcast of The Next Level with Chukwuemeka, I shared a thought inspired by my friend Victor Nwokocha. It is the true story of Ifeanyi, Victor and myself.

There Is A Miracle In Your Work

olajumoke orisaguna
THERE is a much celebrated story in Nigeria and beyond, and rightly too, of Olajumoke Orisaguna, the former bread hawker turned super star. Is it not interesting to note that, ‘There is a Miracle in Your Work’? Why are many people blind to this fact?

It might seem strange to explain how an ‘ordinary oni buredi (meaning bread seller) walking the streets of Lagos becomes oni goldi (meaning wealthy individual)’ and a global icon all within about one week? There must be a miracle somewhere.  

Are You Ageless? - Important Life and Business Lessons

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FOR a while, my two beautiful girls have been asking me of my age. In a discussion with them, ‘Glorious God’ by Elijah Oyelade, the popular Nigerian worship leader, was playing in the background. After a while, the song referred to God as ‘ageless’. My curious girls immediately asked what ‘ageless’ means. I explained that it means someone that no one knows his age, like God. One of them retorted, ‘Just like you Dad, you are ageless, we don’t know your age'. I completely cracked up. Me ageless? I am not God.  I couldn’t hold my laughter.

Important Life Lesson; Define and Care For What Matters

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ON this post, I share a story whose moral is quite noteworthy. Simply put, ‘Define and Care For What Matters’. Perhaps the most important task in our daily pursuits is getting our priorities right. The original piece is titled ‘I Want To Be A TV’.

A primary school teacher asked her pupils to write an essay on ”A wish you want from God?" At the end of the day, the teacher collected all the essays given by her pupils. She took them to her house, sat down and started marking. 

Have You Registered for the Public Speaking Through Drama - FREE Training Sessions in Abuja, Nigeria

photo courtesy of
·      Do you want to boost your public speaking skills, learning in a fun and relaxed atmosphere?
·      Do you want to meet and network with high-achievers in various professions?
·      Do you want to be mentored by Public Speaking industry experts?

Then keep a date with The Next Level with Chukwuemeka Public Speaking Through Drama sessions beginning in May, 2016. These sessions will be FREE until August, 2016.

Follow the link provided to book your free place. This FREE registration closes on April, 2016

These sessions are strictly for those who wish to build their confidence and not necessarily for those who want to practise their drama or acting skills. These sessions are for:
• those with a fear of public speaking
• those with social anxiety
• those who want to be more confident in social situations and life in general
• those who care too much what others think and want to get rid of this habit!
• those who may want to pursue a career in public speaking

chukwuemeka okereafor
My Guarantee
You will see measurable progress in your public speaking skills.

Follow the link provided to book your free place. This FREE registration closes on April, 2016

Important Skills to Guarantee A Successful 2016. PART 2

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ON the last post, I started a very interesting series on important skills you will need for a successful 2016. Remember that these skills are not exhaustive, not in order of importance and require a lot of practice.  

Important Skills to Guarantee A Successful 2016

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IN the next few posts I will share on ‘Important Skills To Guarantee A Successful 2016’. I encourage you to follow me and note the points.

Recently, I was guest at one of Abuja’s most popular radio programmes. The presenter asked what the outlook for 2016 was. He almost jumped out of his seat when I told him that 2016 will not be great...

What Challenges Will You Create in 2016?

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THIS story is really trending. The facts and truths contained cannot be overemphasized. Have you read it, and given it a thought? I think you should. It is an important guide for 2016. You have to create your own challenges in this New Year.

Forget the New Year FINAL PART

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STARTING your own business. I wouldn’t forget that. What product or service will you create this year to multiply impact and improve your income? What other sources of income will you initiate in 2016? What wise and intelligent investments will you be involved in this year?

Forget the New Year

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YES it’s a new year. I’m sure you must be tired of all the noise and clatter around a new year. You should be, because on this edition I make bold to say, ‘Forget the New Year’, and rather focus on the ‘New You’.