Be A Cheerleader

Photo - wikipedia
ACCORDING to legend, the publisher of world famous Ebony Magazine, John H. Johnson, at the inception of publication in November 1945, would encourage his friends and family to go to the vendors on the streets of Chicago to buy the publication. Mr Johnson had hoped that as more and more of his friends demanded and bought his magazine, vendors would be forced to get copies of Ebony to their newsstands. 

Ebony started at the period of racial discrimination in America, so a black-themed magazine almost had no chance of survival. Though sold recently, Ebony is 71 years. It is important to highlight that Mr Johnson’s friends and family, by demanding for and buying Ebony from street side vendors gave the magazine a chance, a chance to favourably compete in the difficult terrain of the times, a chance to still be in circulation. Mr Johnson’s family and friends are the real winners in the story of Ebony, they are cheerleaders.

Photo - ecubation
With so much social and technological changes, many people have now taken their destinies in their hands. Perhaps no time in human history as now are entrepreneurs emerging and business start-ups booming. So many people are making efforts, burning the proverbial midnight candle, sacrificing and denying self all in a bid to impact humanity, affect lives and add value to living. Many of these entrepreneurs need help and support, they need cheerleaders, they need you. All support must not be financial. Like Mr. Johnson’s family and friends, they need you to support their endeavours. They need you to like their facebook page, they need you to follow on twitter, they need your visits and comments on their blogs and webpages, they need your recommendation to other friends, they need cheerleaders, like you. Would you be a cheerleader today? Maybe, just maybe, your support and encouragement would make that enterprise the Ebony of tomorrow.

Public Speaking through Drama Techniques on WhatsApp Training

Registration is on for the Public Speaking through Drama Techniques on WhatsApp. It’s novel, fun and exciting. For this Batch, there are participants from Nigeria, The Gambia and United States. Join in. Distance or location is no longer an excuse to stop you from equipping yourself. To register, simply text YOUR NAME, TELEPHONE NO and LOCATION to +2348053340599 on WhatsApp only, and begin this exciting Public Speaking journey.

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Whether you succeed or not, is really in your hands. Remember that when you set the sails, God sends the wind.

chukwuemeka okereafor
Some people have asked how we can work together. Among others, I am available to creatively:
-  anchor, facilitate or compere your corporate events
-  speak to and train your team for greater productivity
-  produce content and visibility for you or your organization, including branding
- provide cultural entertainment packages at your social events including receptions, social and cultural nights
- write your speeches, citations, press releases, advertorials and advert copies
-  provide mass media and public relations consultancy
- produce radio and TV jingles, documentaries and other media outputs
- capture and document your meetings, sessions, workshops, public outings and other important events using photographic, audio and video equipment.

You can reach me directly on +234 (0)805 334 0599, email: You may also write to P O Box 11758, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria. My twitter handle is @tnlwc. Please like our Facebook page at The Next Level with Chukwuemeka or and invite your friends to do same. 

At The Next Level with Chukwuemeka, we motivate, inspire and the next level".

Thank you for allowing me into your world.

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