How to Improve Your Public Speaking for Greater Impact and Productivity

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ANYONE interested in climbing the corporate or success ladder, should be prepared to work in a team, and very importantly, will sooner than later make presentations and speak publicly. This is almost inescapable. It is common knowledge that the way we speak publicly determines how people judge and perceive our personal effectiveness. Effective public speaking skills can help you advance your career, boost your reputation and create opportunities, it opens important doors.

Research shows that between 45 to a staggering 80 percent of people are afraid of the microphone or public speaking. This is called Glossophobia - the fear of public speaking. On this post, I share simple ways to overcome glossophobia, improve your public speaking and increase your influence and productivity.

Scary But True. Angels Missing on Earth; Can you Help Find Them?

THIS is not a hoax! Angels are missing on earth. Your urgent help to get them is needed today!  
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Recently, I traveled by road from Lagos to Abuja in Nigeria. By Ibilo junction, a popular joint known for its local delicacy of fried yam and bush (roast) meat, our bus driver pulled over for passengers to eat and stretch out. I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth in those sumptuous yams, with a cold drink. For environmental reasons, I am not a bush meat fan. 

1000 Page Views and Counting...Thank You Very Much

THE blog, The Next Level with Chukwuemeka,, which started on June 20, 2015, has hit the 1000 page views mark, and counting. It’s so exciting.

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There are readers from Nigeria, The United States of America, United Kingdom, Ghana, India, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Gabon, Romania, Netherlands and many more. I want to specially thank you for investing your time to read and comment on the resources on the blog. God bless you richly.
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Shocking Revelation about Time Management and Your Self-Esteem

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POOR time management can cost you big time. This is stating the obvious. I am still ruing from an experience. Sometime in 2013, I was to meet up with some clients in Greenwich, London. These clients were eager to set up some cultural infrastructure in Nigeria, and were looking for partners. I was interested and a meeting was fixed. For some inexplicable reasons, I was slow to prepare for this appointment. Infact I behaved like I had all the time in the world. When I eventually set out for that meeting, there was an unexpected traffic caused by what, till today, I still can’t tell. Bottom line, I was late for the meeting, missed the appointment, and indeed missed the opportunity. I still feel sad when I remember that experience, but lessons have been learnt I must admit. So what is time management? Let’s cut out all the technicalities. 

9 Secrets of What the Super Successful Do in the Morning: You Too Should Part 2

ON my last post, I started a series on “9 secrets of what the super successful do in the morning that you too should do”. I’m concluding on this post. These are vital tips that when followed will drastically improve your results.

Ask yourself THE question. This question is regarded as one of the most important questions in life, and you need to ask yourself this question, everyday. The question is, “If today was the last day of your life, would you still want to do what you are about to do today? Or put differently, “If today was the last day of your life, what would you do differently?”. Then do it today!

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9 Secrets of What the Super Successful Do in the Morning: You Too Should. Part 1

THE difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people do all the things unsuccessful people don't want to do. Most people don't want to work more than they have to. They do the minimum they are paid to do. That's not the way to get ahead, always be ready to go the extra mile. I came across this very motivational piece at and couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It has formed the title for this edition.

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Successful people always get their priorities right. Significantly successful people don’t first check their email upon waking up. They do other things that are of higher priority, they claim and dictate their day. What else do highly successful people do upon waking up in the morning? Here are more important tips...

5 Ways to Know What You Are Really Worth

HOW much are you worth? This is probably one of the most disturbing issues many people face in today’s world; their worth. What is a person’s worth in the truest sense of the word? Is it in terms of money; Naira and Kobo, Pounds and Pence or Dollars and Cents, or property or other assets? Maybe it is time to redefine your worth, your value.

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We live in an age where you are assessed and judged by the balance on your bank account, your social net worth, the vast and diverse contacts you have, the investments and assets you own, or own you depending...But, are these criteria fair in assessing a person's worth or value? Is a person's value truly based on his or her accumulations? I think differently. Is it bad for one to have things and possessions? Absolutely not, but there is a problem when things and possessions own one.

6 Amazing Physical Benefits Of Forgiving Those Who Hurt You (Part 2)

ON my last post, I started a series on the "Physical Benefits of Forgiving Those Who Hurt You". I’m concluding it with this post. I truly hope you find these scientifically proven facts helpful. Forgive, for your own sake.

1. Forgiveness lowers stress level. Have you tried all to lower your high stress level with no luck? Then try forgiving those who have hurt you.

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2. Forgiveness promotes healthy heart. Holding grudges and unforgiveness won't fix a thing, and tend to increase heart rates. Is it any wonder why there is an increase in heart attacks?

6 Amazing Physical Benefits Of Forgiving Those Who Hurt You (Part 1)

A lot have been said about forgiveness. But why exactly should one forgive, what are physical benefits of ‘this difficult act’ of forgiveness?

Let me start with this short but true story. Some time ago, I was in Lagos, Nigeria producing a TV documentary on the activities of an international non-governmental organisation helping indigent women in Nigeria. In one of the interviews, I spoke with a 4-year-old girl and her mother. This little girl had been sexually defiled severally by an adult she knows and trusts.  The mother broke down narrating the story. It was so difficult listening to the child tell her story that we had to stop the interview. It was so heart breaking. Current scientific research suggests that this girl and her mother should forgive this attacker, for their own health benefits. How easy or possible is this?

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Permit me to share on the benefits of forgiveness.

Exposed Secrets To Having A Successful 2015

THIS is a continuation from the last post. I trust you are applying the nuggets shared in the last post. Here are more quick and effective tips to help you succeed in 2015.

Let me begin by saying work and diligence do not kill. If anything at all, hard smart work distinguishes you. Do you want to be highly successful this year, then welcome to a year of hard smart work. There are no alternatives.

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