How To Successfully Overcome Past Hurt FINAL PART

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THIS is the concluding part of post on ‘How to Successfully Overcome Past Hurt’. Like it was previously stated, some scholars argue that if you don’t deal with and conquer the pains of yesterday, you may not enjoy the gains of today, and indeed tomorrow.  

Be prepared to open up. There may be no need trying to deal with a painful past if one isn’t willing to open up on all issues with a professional confidant. By opening up, the confidant can situate the pains of the past and advise on the beauty of today and tomorrow. Trust is key here.

How to Successfully Overcome Past Hurt

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DO you have the skills to deal with a terrible yesterday so as to have a terrific tomorrow, in other words, do you know how to deal with the pains of the past to have a better future? Some scholars argue that if you don’t deal with and conquer the pains of yesterday, you may not enjoy the gains of today, and indeed tomorrow.

MUST READ! Important Life and Business Lessons from Mother Hen

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DO you take time to appreciate nature and creation? You will be amazed how much Mother Nature can teach us. One only needs to create time and study it. Let me share some Important Life and Business Lessons from Mother Hen.  

Why Risk Taking Is Good For Us All

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ISN'T it interesting that the first time anything new and creative is proposed, it gets labelled? And the label put on these novel things is likely to be “risky”, or “unreasonable” or unachievable” or “idle dream”. Those who seemingly think they care about you will advise you get a life or a job and forget your dream or proposal.

Do You Want Financial Freedom? Hurry, Do A Financial Check-Up Now!

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I am really excited and feel new, part of it been over a workshop I attended. Recently, I attended a paid, highly interactive and thought provoking financial education workshop in London, England, tagged ‘Road Map to Financial Empowerment’. This workshop was a comprehensive financial health checkup every forward thinking and ambitious person needs despite his or current financial status. The lessons, shockers, revelations and take-away were simply amazing, and sometimes heart-breaking.

REVEALED: Hindrances to Avoid if You Really Want to Success

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THERE are many hindrance and traps you must avoid in your quest for success. This is irrespective of your age, gender or social status. Incredibly, many of us still fall for them. Are you also limited by these hindrances? Infact, what are these hindrances and how do you overcome them?

What Are You Seeing?

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ONE day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor handed out the question paper, with the text facing down as usual. Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn the page and begin. To everyone's surprise, there were no questions....just a black dot in the centre of the page. The professor seeing the expression on everyone's face, told them the following:

What Successful People Do To Win Friends And Business Opportunities That You Need To Know And Do Also

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IT is so refreshing to have the skills and indeed power to make and win friends, and influence people at the snap of a finger. Throughout history, most of the greatest people who lived have this skill. You too should. Like I will always say, it is no use re-inventing the wheel which men like Dale Carnegie perfected. Have you read the book,