Don’t Build Your Life On Public Opinion

Photo - latininsights
SINCE the last US presidential election, the media have been awash with talks and stories on the elections. Some people are yet to overcome the shock of a Donald Trump victory. I have seen and read a lot about lessons from his victory. One lesson stands out, and this piece is titled after it: ‘Don’t Build Your Life On Public Opinion’. I don’t know the original author.

Trump lost the presidential debates, twice.

Yet he won the election.

He lost the public opinion polls to Hillary by double digit margins.

Yet he won the election.

All living former American presidents opposed him.

Take Action Now

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TODAY I share a thought by a great motivational speaker and my friend Bismark Tay from Ghana titled ‘Take Action Now!’

Action is the most important word on the journey of success. Many have heard of it, many more have said they'll embrace it but few actually do. For almost everyone, there's always something that needs to be done. Something new or something old and it’s either difficult or easy. At every point in our lives, there's always the need for us to take some action. Sometimes it's a decision, other times it's something we need to do. Our lives are just like a brick wall. The actions we take each day are the bricks that we lay to get the kind of walls we want.