Make That Move Right Now

Photo - garyjeffress
GROWING up in the 1980s, there was this popular song by Shalamar, ‘Make That Move Right Now Baby’. Remember it? Its old school now. That was any DJ’s favourite. It was guaranteed to bring legs to the dance floor. I remember my uncles and aunties always rocking this song. Growing up was fun. Well this is not the focus of this edition.

Make that move right now was actually inspired by my meeting a business associate recently. I belong to a couple of groups on WhatsApp. 

Be A Cheerleader

Photo - wikipedia
ACCORDING to legend, the publisher of world famous Ebony Magazine, John H. Johnson, at the inception of publication in November 1945, would encourage his friends and family to go to the vendors on the streets of Chicago to buy the publication. Mr Johnson had hoped that as more and more of his friends demanded and bought his magazine, vendors would be forced to get copies of Ebony to their newsstands. 

Life Indeed Is A Seed - Important Lessons

Photo courtesy of smallbiztrends
HAVE you heard this saying, ‘the evil you do remains with you: the good you do, comes back to you!’. This story captures it, and highlights some business lessons. A woman baked bread for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby. She kept the extra bread on the window sill, for whosoever would take it away. Every day, a hunch-back came and took away the bread. Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: "The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" This went on, day after day. (She added poison to the bread she prepared for him!)

How To Have A Happy New Month Indeed!

photo courtesy of peacebenwilliams
I woke up this morning with loads of messages on my phone. The messages were everywhere – on Facebook, WhatsAapp, by text, you name it. Some people even sent messages by 12 midnight or shortly after, just to coincide with the dawning month. I guess that your phone and social media platforms have also been inundated with such posts – the happy new month messages and prayers. Sending and receiving such messages is not an issue in itself, but it becomes an issue when month in month out we keep sending and receiving such messages without any corresponding action to bring those great wishes to fruition.  While I then join tons of your friends to wish you a happy new month, on this edition, I share on how to have a happy new month indeed.  And this is in no order of importance.